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Looking back on 2017 and looking forward to 2018!
Updatetime:2017-12-18 14:38:00 Views:
      In order to give back to the hard work of the employees, boost the morale of the employees, enhance the cohesion of the company, cultivate the team spirit of unity and progress of the enterprise, and strengthen the sense of ownership and collective honor, Guangzhou top company held a picnic activity with the theme of "review 2017, look forward to 2018" on December 17, 2017.

      Colleagues in charge of procurement team come to the vegetable market early in the morning to select fresh vegetables and fruits for the activity.

      At 09:30, everyone arrived at the destination and began to work in an orderly manner!

      After more than 2 hours of division of labor and cooperation and busy, finally, the delicious dishes presented in front of everyone, see the results of their hard work, everyone showed a happy smile!

      Finally, we gathered around eating fruits, reviewed the harvest and shortcomings of each in 2017, and looked forward to the beautiful and dream of 2018!
